La collection reflète l’état d’esprit et le cœur même de FURLUX qui est d’abord et avant tout l’esprit de douceur, chaleur et confort que nous rappel la fourrure.

Furlux est à l’avant-garde dans l’univers du manteaux et accessoires d’hiver. Nous sommes fières d’offrir des produits de luxe authentiques, versatiles et intemporelles qui sont à l’image de notre vision urbaine de la femme moderne.

2025 marque un tournant écologique important puisque tous nos produits utilisent un minimum de 30%de matières recyclées.

·       Manteaux nylon : isolation intérieure est fait à partir de bouteilles d’eau recyclées

·       Manteaux de lainage avec polyester recyclées

·       Fourrures : pompon et bande de capuche utilisent de la fourrure recyclée

·      Chapeaux : Contient au moins 30% de polyester recyclés

·       Chandails : Contient au moins 30% de polyester recyclés

·       Cuir : VéganThe collection reflects the state of mind and the very heart of FURLUX which is first and foremost the spirit of softness, warmth and        QQIcomfort that fur reminds us of.

Furlux is at the forefront in the world of winter coats and accessories. We are proud to offer authentic luxury products, versatile and timeless that reflect our urban vision of the modern woman.

2025 marks an important ecological turning point since all our products use a minimum of 30% recycled materials.

• Nylon coats: interior insulation is made from recycled water bottles

• Wool coats with recycled polyester

• Furs: pompom and hood band use recycled fur

• Hats: Contains at least 30% recycled polyester

• Sweaters: Contains at least 30% recycled polyester

• Leather: Vegan

FURLUX is a Quebec based company created in 2008 by Canadian Designer Valery Geoffroy. We specialize in women’s luxury outerwear and winter accessories. With Canadian roots, Furlux also embodies European flair by selecting the highest quality material such as cashmere, alpaca, leather and fur. 

Furlux is deeply committed to the ethical sourcing and responsible use of all animal materials in our products. We place the highest importance on transparency and do not condone any willful mistreatment, neglect, or acts that maliciously cause animals undue suffering. 

Furlux ethically sources materials by visiting farms and manufacturing sites in Italy, China etc. to ensure that we are working with trusted partners. Our alpaca fibres are provided to us from Europe after the famers use their best shearing practices during grooming. We also source furs from trusted providers who would otherwise be discarding such material. 

We respect animals and place the highest importance on providing ethical options to create functional apparel. 

We invite you to learn more about Real fur and it’s benefit on www.furisgreen.com


Valery Geoffroy

Designer – Owner